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Julianna Pena - UFC 269 
Women's Open World Champion
Sam Sicilia - 17-11 Overall UFC Record

APX' Combat & Wrestling Training Program 

seeks to enhance the body's ability to grow and develop its Central Nervous System (CNS) function and natural energy systems should be the focus. No matter the ranks from Youth-to-High School or College/Pro... the training and dietetic approach must maintain stability and frequency throughout four major cycles in a calendar year to attain maximum athletic ability from adolescence into adulthood.


Each athlete has distinct movements that must be trained that constitute position-specific lever development and rotation. Since each one of these dynamic positions are different in movement, the training modalities and structures to enhance their respective abilities must be prescribed separately. At APX, it is paramount to focus on an athlete's training paradigm to increase symmetry throughout the body. Spinal cord training and Kinetic ground-base rotational movements are essential in achieving this by emphasizing an Eccentric-Based Uni-Lateral Training system.


This is proven to provide a combat or wrestling athlete and/or Team with more power through anaerobic duration from the torso to the lower trunk. Additional hip structure function and power can be induced from sprinting, jumping, gathering, tackling, blocking and route-running when a proper 4-12 week program is executed properly. Generic increases are greatly enhanced via strength, speed, power, agility, function, flexibility and anaerobic/aerobic energy systems used to promote fitness and VO2 max levels. This decreases the chances of injury of any part of the body, especially when a large part of the emphasis is dedicated towards spinal cord health and development.


APX' Registered Sports Dietitians are the educators that mold our Combat and/or Wrestling Athletes and the Coaches of their respective programs to attain improvements of Lean Body Mass (LBM) gains, decreases in Body Fat percentages and - most importantly - 'Recovery' efforts from games, practice and training. The proper nutritional meal planning efforts - and the correct structure of you and your team's dietetic needs - are proven to greatly decrease inflammation of the specific joints and muscles used when playing a full game or throughout a demanding APX Off-Season individual/team training program. 


Training is only 20-30% of your overall desired results that you are looking to achieve to grow and develop you or your team's body. That leaves 70-80% of what you and your team does outside of practice and training from Sunday-to-Saturday (the other 22 hours per day) that will dictate your greatest performance, recovery and central nervous system growth outputs.

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