Our mission is to credential a driven and passionate network of coaches with the most current, science-based and proven performance enhancement educational material gathered throughout the world. This 'Certification System' is applicable to any strength training professional, high school and collegiate coach as well as various Health & Wellness enthusiasts.
The key concepts and fundamentals attained within the 'APX Training System' are critical in the delivery of this dynamic and proven system. By obtaining your Credentials, you will fulfill the required knowledge to efficiently and correctly deliver the APX system to your program, athletes and/or clients.
Our #1 goal is to help your athletes/students/clients to prevent injuries, and to improve their overall athletic performance. These certifications will motivate your accountability to deliver this science, and to enhance your abilities to prescribe, coach and assess the needs of those who reach to you for all of their goals.
The Certification Process is divided into 3 Credentials (Tier 1, 2 & 3) as each one needs to be completed in ascending order - Tier 1, then Tier 2 and then Tier 3.
The Tier 1 Credential is designed for those who want a thorough understanding of the APX system, and who are installed as an APX Coach at their respective school or APX Facility or affiliate. Tier 2 will be for the Advanced Coach, whose intentions are to create and design dynamic APX programs. Tier 3 is for the APX Professional that can sustain and prove that their desgined programs that they implemented; warranted championships, scholarships, individual awards and/or pro athlete accomplishments.
Each credential has its own study materials that are needed to pass a written and practical exam. The written exam must be completed first prior to taking your practical tests at an APX facility. Upon registering for any Tier, you will be mailed or granted access online to all of the study materials you will need to attain your cert.
The APX Certification Program (ACP):
This is inclusive and ultimately unique in its very own nature of Performance curriculums. Its proven Performance Systems have worked within non-athletic and athletic environments for the past 12 years. It is the APX goal to educate those who want to push themselves for a better, more acute understanding of how they can improve their abilities to coach his/her athletes in the training paradigm of sport or classroom instruction.
The APX Training System:
This system is not ‘the end all and be all’ to training, rather, an effective pragmatic science-based program that cultivates methodologies of training, regeneration, speed, body dynamics, nutrition and lever-building power mechanisms that have been absorbed throughout Buchkoski's career. Take the best of each type of training method out there, combine it with Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine and insert the absolute Nutrition & Supplementation component for body weight goal. Then, follow the likes of Jim Radcliffe (Oregon Speed/Strength Coach) for Speed Development, Joe Kenn (Carolina Panthers Head STC) for Relative Strength Transition and Charles Poliquin for his Strength Qualities and the understanding of the human body’s energy systems. After applying those protocols and principles for 15+ years, you see what works when you put it into Pro, College, High School and Youth athlete and non-athlete populations. You get APX, which is a marriage of all the training qualities and periodization within a delivery system that represents the pursuit of ‘optimal’ intent.
ACP Tier 1: District Coach
(Required certification for APX training/coaching):
Tier 1 is prescribed for those who want a general, yet thorough approach who plan on training and coaching an APX Training System within their athlete, student athlete or sports program populations.
At the conclusion of this Tier, the coach will warrant:
Administer the correct neuromuscular warm-up to all athletes and populations
Understand the concept of structural balance
Safely and efficiently train athletes, students
Maximize time while maximizing the strength qualities you are trying to implement
Understand how to manipulate and prescribe tempo, sets, reps and rest time within your setting
Be a more motivating, passionate and efficient strength coach or teacher
ACP Tier 1 Philosophy & Comprehension:
This is a testing component that you must score a minimum of 85% on at the time of your test. It is a 100 question multiple choice, true/false test. The Tier 1 Manual will include practice test questions that will help you formulate how the testing process will begin.
ACP Tier 1 Practicum Demonstration:
You will also be responsible for passing a Practicum Demonstration component to complete your ACP Tier 1. This component will challenge you to perform, demonstrate and verbalize training sequences in front of the instructor. This component is based on a pass/fail rubric.
ACP Tier 2: Regional Coach
(Required certification for coaching at APX for 3+ years):
Tier 2 is prescribed for those who want to challenge themselves as an APX Performance Coach. The certification is designed and created for those who want to pursue APX as a career and who have had a Tier 1 Certification and have been applying its principles for a minimum of at least 1 year. This Tier provides the Strength & Conditioning Coach/Teacher a much more aggressive and dynamic approach towards sharpening his/her skills to install distinct and customized programming for their populations of athlete or non-athlete students.
At the conclusion of this Tier, the coach will warrant:
Administer the correct Upper & Lower Body Exercises necessary per adaptation phase
Script a 12-16 week mesocycle for your population
Manual Regeneration & Recovery
Applications of Historic Nationality Strength Training
Understand how to enhance the manipulation and tempo prescription, sets, reps and rest time within your setting
Script an Intensification/Accumulation Phase 1-4 for an athlete with specific needs
ACP Tier 2 Philosophy & Comprehension:
This is a testing component that you must score a minimum of 85% on at the time of your test. It is a 100 question multiple choice, true/false test. The Tier 2 Manual will include practice test questions that will help you formulate how the testing process will begin.
ACP Tier 2 Practicum Demonstration:
You will also be responsible for passing a Practicum Demonstration component to complete your ACP Tier 2. This component will challenge you to perform, demonstrate and verbalize training sequences in front of the instructor. This component is based on a pass/fail rubric.
ACP Tier 3: Pro Level Coach
(Required certification for coaching at APX for 5+ years):
Tier 3 is prescribed for those who want to challenge themselves as an APX Performance Coach for their career, and achieving high performance coaching levels at the high school, college and professional levels of sport. The certification is designed and created for those who want to pursue APX as a full-time career, and who have Tier 1 & 2 Certifications and have been applying those principles for a minimum of at least 1 year. This Tier provides the Strength & Conditioning Professional an apparatus of items that he/she needs to demonstrate they’ve accomplished by applying the APX System into their programs and individual athletes.
At the conclusion of this Tier, the coach will warrant:
Script, train and apply an APX system for a team that a State Title
Script, train and apply an APX system for an individual High School athlete that receives a College Scholarship
Script, train and apply an APX system for an individual Collegiate athlete that receives a contract to play Professional Sports
Script, train and apply an APX system for an individual that achieves a medal in the Olympics, World Championships or NCAA Championships
Provide a dissertation for an athlete that fully recovered from a serious injury utilizing an APX training system in coordination with a Physical Therapist or Sports Medicine Doctor
Script an Intensification/Accumulation Phase 1-4 for an athlete or program that increases their overall relative strength by at least 30%
Script, train and apply an APX system for a team that endures their season with a 97% injury-free rate of muscular, ligament and fascia strains, pulls and tears.
ACP Tier 3 Philosophy & Comprehension:
This is a testing component that you must score a minimum of 85% on at the time of your test. It is a 100 question multiple choice, true/false test. The Tier 3 Manual will include practice test questions that will help you formulate how the testing process will begin.
ACP Tier 3 Practicum Demonstration:
You will also be responsible for passing a Practicum Demonstration component to complete your ACP Tier 3. This component will challenge you to perform, demonstrate and verbalize training sequences in front of the instructor. This component is based on a pass/fail rubric.